Even if, like me, you don’t agree with Jonny Walker on much, you still can’t fault the genius of their simple tagline, “keep walking!” Yeah, I know that it is difficult to stand, let alone to walk, after being loaded …
‘Am sure you know that gratitude is an attitude! It is first a posture of the heart before it becomes an expression of goodwill! Anytime a husband grudgingly donates a dry, moistureless “thank you” to his wife, she can feel it! …
It is never a bad thing to over prepare! It is almost always a terrible thing to be underprepared! Every student can testify to that. Every interview candidate who wasn’t prepared well enough knows that sinking feeling at exiting the …
One of life’s simplest yet profoundest wisdom, is the wisdom to choose your battles! Not every win should be your win! Many wars that are not worth your blood, sweat or space! There are battles that even if you win, it won’t …