There’s something called dark humor & many people indulge in its twisted entertainment. Dark humor has no respect for taboos. It can be horrific & even macabre. A person spewing out dark humor often treats sinister subjects with levity & …
Continue ReadingAm sure you know that one of the ways we evaluate & navigate through what we eat is our sense of taste. While some ‘clown’ foods may taste funny, the body basically uses taste to analyze nutrition, toxins & poisons. …
Continue ReadingMaybe you’ve sometime seen the stained glass windows in an ‘old church’. Beautiful thing! Wonderful artistry! Each glass plane is designed to carry a statement of faith. And who knows the number of hearts its silent messages has warmed & …
Continue ReadingYou remember the story of the traffic trooper who pulled over a car. He clocked the car crawling along on the highway. There were 5 elderly ladies, including the driver, in the vehicle. “Ma’am, this is dangerous,” he said to the …
Continue ReadingSmall pox was a terrible curse. It killed over 200 million people in the 20th century. Up to 40% of infected adults & about 80% of infected children died of the two variola virus strains of the disease. The discovery …
Continue ReadingWhen my son Mickel was about 3yrs old, my wife bought him a t-shirt with the writing, “whatever it is; I didn’t do it!” And you can be sure, he did the “didn’t-do-it” part amazingly well. You didn’t need to …
Continue ReadingEvery poker player knows that one tiny flinch or flustered look may be all you need to mess up your game! Even a little sweat on the brow can reveal tension! No expression is imperceptible to your opponent! A small …
Continue ReadingThey say that hindsight is 20/20. Anyone can do the analysis after the game & show you where those who drew the game plan missed it & how those who played on the field could have done better. It’s easy …
Continue Reading“The two both of me”That was one grammatical error my friend will remember till eternity! Oh, it was not a knockout; it was an atomic bomb! And teens can be very mischievous & unforgiving when you ‘A bomb’ in class. …
Continue ReadingThere was something in those days called ‘weak pass.’ It’s like this; a school has set its cut off mark for promoting students from one class to another, at 50% average. They need 120 students in the next class. But …
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